Assistant Professor, TU Delft
Human Computer Interaction (CSE3500), Delft University of Technology
Traditionally interaction with computer systems moved from text-based (e.g., terminals) to graphical user interfaces (GUI). These evolved to a wider range of platforms than just desktop computers, to include computer kiosks, tablets, and smart phones. As technology systems (e.g., expert systems, recommender systems) increase in complexity, a standard graphical user interface (GUI) is often not sufficient to harness their power. This course will therefore consider developments in intelligent adaptive interfaces, but also alternative modalities for interaction such as Voice user interfaces (VUI), augmented reality (AR), and embodied agents.
This course will cover four aspects of HCI systems:
a) Identifying functional and non-functional requirements.
b) Design of interactive and adaptive systems.
c) Prototyping of these systems.
d) User-centered Evaluation of these systems.
Crowd Computing (CS4145), Delft University of Technology
Crowd Computing is an emerging field that sits at the intersection of computer science and data science. Crowd computing studies how large groups of people can solve complex tasks that are currently beyond the capabilities of artificial intelligence algorithms, and that cannot be solved by a single person alone.
It involves algorithmic engagement and coordination of people by means of Web-enabled platforms. These complex tasks are mainly focused on the creation, enrichment, and interpretation of data, making crowd computing a building block of data science. Examples of such tasks include the coordinated creation of data about real world events when electronic sensors are not available; the annotation of existing data sets to create ground truth data for the training of machine learning algorithms; and the analysis and interpretation of Web data to spot identify inappropriate content (e.g.,hate speech, or fake news).
Web and Database Technology (CSE1500), Delft University of Technology
Web & Database Technology is a first year course that provides an introduction to Web and Database technology and programming. Topics related to Web technology and programming include:
a) Introduction to Databases;
b) Overview of Database Languages and Architectures;
c) The basic relational model; database design theory;
d) SQL: Data Definition, Constraints, Updates, Queries, Views, Triggers;
e) Relational Databases and Object Persistence;
f) Introduction to non-relational database systems: key-value stores, document stores, graph databases.
Web and Database Technology (CSE1500), Delft University of Technology
Applied Machine Learning (CS4305TU), Delft University of Technology
Foundations of Human Computation and Crowdsourcing with Sergej Zerr, Leibniz University of Hannover
Social Computing with Alessandro Checco and Cristina Sarasua, University of Zurich
Foundations of Human Computation and Crowdsourcing with Sergej Zerr, Leibniz University of Hannover
Social Computing with Alessandro Checco and Cristina Sarasua, University of Zurich
Seminar on Foundations of Human Computation with Sergej Zerr, Leibniz University of Hannover